
Comments for MGT5516 Assigment 1

Team 2 CoCo-mate HD-DVD
Thank you for your excellent sharing, I really learnt a lot after reading your blog. As for the case of competition between HD-DVD and Blu-ray. I do agree with your idea that the failure of HD-DVD, a very important factor is the wrong market strategy of Toshiba. The nature of HD-DVD was falsely classified as a disruptive technology which gave the company a wrong pricing strategy.

Of course, even though Toshiba had correctly classified the nature of HD-DVD, it is also tough for HD-DVD to get the competitive advantage comparing to Sony Blu-ray. Larger capacity and higher resolution requirement are the trend of the market. Sony has its own game platform Playstation series which have gained a very large market share and customer loyalty and have even much more advantages than its largest competitor Microsoft Xbox 360.

Team 11 TGIF Sony MD player
Thank you for your sharing. Besides the reasonable analysis of internal and external environment of the company, your analysis for Sony MD player gives me a deeper understanding of industry life cycle. Of course, Incorrect US market strategy, not clear market position and lack of cooperation with suppliers really contributed to the failure of MD player, however, I think the most fatal reason is the wrong forecasting of the entire industry life cycle. With the fast development of Internet and smart phone, the trend of the music industry is to be portable, cheap and high convergence. At that time, the hard disk music industry had entered its decline stage and new trend MP3 player was going to lead the music industry. A very good example for contrast is the success of iPod, Steve Jobs saw the declining of the original music playing industry and believes MP3 player was going to instead, finally, it is proved to be correct by the great success of iPod and iTunes music store. This is the necessity of a reasonable analysis of industry life cycle. 

Team 12 DIVA Nokia, smart phone
Thank you for your sharing. It is a very comprehensive analysis for the innovation failure of Nokia. Every time seeing cases of Nokia, the feeling is mixed because I am one of fans of Nokia and even now, my smart phone is still Nokia, Lumia series.

Besides SWOT and Porter’s five forces analysis, I do agree your idea that Nokia holds superior technology but failed because of strategic decision making and corporate planning.

 In addition, I find that the analysis is mainly focus on Nokia’s Symbian system, however, Nokia has released its windows phone smart phone which cooperated with Microsoft since 2011 in order to fight back, unfortunately, windows phone were not able to give Nokia a new life. In my idea, the bad compatible features of smart phone and system is a fatal reason, Nokia released its first WP smart phone with windows phone 7, however, the system is a really failure because it could not be upgraded to new version windows phone 8 unless using the new devices. Nokia had abandoned its original customer base and loyalty, I believe the failure of Windows phone 7 gave Nokia a fatal attack, even the attractive features of Windows phone 8 could not help it fight back.