
Comments for MGT5516 Assignment2

Team1 THe PLAD VeRsATiLe
Technology: Cloud Computing

Industry: Book and Publication

Thank you for your sharing, it is a nice job!  You have a very clear structure which shows us exactly what we want to see. At the beginning, the introduction of cloud computing gives me a brief view of the current situations of cloud computing technology. I saw that you have done a Porter’s 5 forces analysis for Amazon in book and publication industry, if there is a STEEP for the macro-environment, it will be better because at present, the regulations and copyright problem is still a critical problem for the e-books, especially in China, the regulations and laws to protect the copyright are relatively weak, this will be a huge barrier for the development of e-book.

In addition, when looking at the traditional book industry. It is really a pity, some of my families are working in the publication authorities in China, so many year past, I witnessed the changes in traditional book industry. In the 1990s, paper reading was still the main trend, the size of many book stores and publication communities were becoming larger. With the development of IT industry especially the e-book, the glory days of paper books were gradually going away which made the traditional book stores hard to survive without extending products categories. So, I do think the giants should do more collaborations with the traditional book industry, it not only could facilitate giants’ E-book business but also help the traditional book stores enter online business.

Team3  Big Bang
Technology: Cloud Computing
Industry: Music industry

Firstly, thank you for your sharing! I like to listen to music, but actually, I am not a good music fan because I seldom buy CDs recent years. Comparing to the use hard drive to play the music CDs, I find that I prefer the advantages of online music such as convenience, portable features and easy translating.

Firstly, you talked about what is cloud computing, and the relationship between cloud computing and online music. I agree with your idea that the future trend of music playing should be accessing from the cloud to get the paid music you want. And Amazon is a really good example and has done very good cooperation with record companies to combine with new services to create value for customers. However, the widely use of cloud storage may face up with critical security problem and for online music, it may give chances for mp3 music files which are not copyright version to be spread. Hence, it will be a challenge for the cloud providers to enhance the security and regulations in the future. 

Team5 H-FIVE
Technology: 3D printing
Industry: Medical

Thank you for your interesting sharing about the utilization of 3D printing in medical industry. I once thought 3D printing is a new technology which emerged several years ago. After reading your paper, the very detailed introduction for the 3D printing history make me learn a lot.

According to your data, it is clear that the traditional medical devices has entered its saturation state in recent years. However, the 3D printing is increasing with a really high speed because of the more and more market requests. I saw you have done a value chain analysis and industrial transformation analysis, it is interesting. By the way, I think to utilize 3D printing techniques to medical industry could not be realized within a short period. To make organ models for the hospital to do deeper and direct research or help doctors to diagnose diseases is reasonable but to regard these printed organs as replacement may face a lot of problems such as security, regulations, laws and ethics. Hence, the basic request for further development of 3D printing in medical area is how to solve these problems.